Workshop: 'Turning Around Failed Banks' on 10 Feb.

Dr Wes Harry will be presenting a workshop on the topic 'Turning Round Failed Banks: the people dimensions' at Cass on Feb 10, Tuesday, between 1500 and 1700.

"The seminar will focus on how I, as the member of the top management team responsible for HRM, helped to create a strong reputable bank from four failed banks in the Middle East. The people dimensions are focused on management and staff but do include factors important to shareholders, governments, customers and others with whom a bank interacts. Although the seminar is aimed at researchers it might be of interest to others including those in management positions or studying business subjects. This will not be a case study as I can give information in the public domain but I will talk about issues and topics of relevance to the current financial situation and organisational survival and success. The room has not yet been allocated but probably in the Cass new building in Chiswell St- this will be confirmed later this week.If you would like to attend please contact me on wesharry [at] gmail [dot] com Best regards, Wes."

Image courtesy: gvraymond
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