I've created a new 'topic' for Cass Business School at BusinessWeek Exchange (BX).
BX is a good aggregator platform and provides excellent visibility to the business community. If you're not already a member you can easily sign up using your Linkedin credentials and help contribute to the Cass page and also read what other people find about other topics.
A number of business schools are already on the site so if you're from a school that's not already on it, you can create a 'topic' for your school/program after logging in.
BX is a good aggregator platform and provides excellent visibility to the business community. If you're not already a member you can easily sign up using your Linkedin credentials and help contribute to the Cass page and also read what other people find about other topics.
A number of business schools are already on the site so if you're from a school that's not already on it, you can create a 'topic' for your school/program after logging in.
For those that do not know, Cass started its own Youtube channel a few months ago and it has a few videos on it already.
One of the more important things that does remain to be addressed properly is the Cass Business School page on Wikipedia. It remains quite basic in the information it presents so if you're interested in becoming an editor on Wikipedia, this is a good place to start.
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